Regarding the Sustainability Report

DAVICOM Semiconductor 2022 Sustainability Report reveals our strategies, management framework and achievement for every material topic concerning sustainability as well as explains how we respond to stakeholders' expectations and our efforts to create environmental and social influence in the whole value chain.

Regarding financial analysis, operational information, and other information, this report merely reveals five graphs showing revenues for the latest five years, gross margins and net profit margins for the latest five years, net profits and earnings per share for the latest five years, total assets/shareholders' equity for the latest five years, and distribution of dividends per share for the latest 10 years. For non-exhaustive parts, please refer to the 2022 annual report of which all financial information is based on accountants' certified financial reports and available for inquiry at "information for investors" at our website. Other data concerning sustainability is simultaneously disclosed at "corporate social responsibility" at our website.

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Chairman's Words

Since founded in 1996, DAVICOM Semiconductor has stuck to the goals of customer satisfaction and reasonable return and maintained the operational vision of “Connectivity Beyond Limits”. In the era of information, DAVICOM Semiconductor focuses on niche markets, with products and technologies being in wide application including PCs, smartphones, TVs and automobiles.

In order to realize "Customer satisfaction and reasonable return", DAVICOM Semiconductor has always insisted on the core value of "people-oriented, sincere and steady operation" to carry on comprehensive management and innovation. DAVICOM Semiconductor's corporate development and business operation are grounded on a value concept based on the company's six cultural characteristics, with the concept being the secret accounting for our longterm operation and continued development.

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About DAVICOM Semiconductor

DAVICOM Semiconductor Inc. was founded in 1996 by a networking/communication team under United Microelectronics (UMC) and US-based networking/communication experts.

Since being founded in 1996, with the foundation of Ethernet along with the industry trend, we developed Ethernet controller ICs firstly and then, in line with industrial development trends, has developed and produced networking ICs used in embedded systems and engaged in innovation and R&D of software technology, with products widely used in broadcasting equipment for Internet connection and telecom set-top boxes. We began R&D of ICs used in smart medical care in 2013, development of EPD (E-Paper Display) driver ICs for innovative application to electronic shelf labels in 2014. Furthermore, we have focused on integration of AI with our Ethernet technology and development of innovative products since 2018. In 2020, we stepped into UHF RFID and then began to provide most competitive ICs and chip solutions to help clients keep abreast of the latest trend of AIoT development and thereby shorten time to market. ... More

Strengthen corporate governance

Promote risk control and management according to Practical Guidelines of Risk Management for Listed Companies. ... More

Enhance Cooperation among Value Chains

DAVICOM Semiconductor is a small-size IC design house and aims to develop durable and top-quality products. Through conforming to EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition) Code of Conduct, we have cooperated with upstream and downstream partners. Our business covers four main product lines: Ethernet ICs, EPD (E-Paper Display) driver ICs, Video Decoder ICs, and AI SoC. We focus on niche-market products and have cooperated with suppliers and clients (B2B for both) to jointly set up green supply chains. They are our important partners for jointly creating sustainability value. ... More

Measures in response to climate changes

Energy transition is a global trend. In order to cope with challenges arising from increased energy demand and climate change in the future, we have to think over existing energy structure anew and seek more green and sustainable alternative energy sources. ... More

Realization of Happiness in Workplaces

“Customer satisfaction and reasonable return” is the principle for our sustainable management, while talents are the most important core asset. We have always been cherishing, cultivating and caring our employees. We offer stable working environment, which matches individuals’ working capability and suitable workplace, and a complete remuneration benefit scheme as well as peaceful working environment via a complete talent cultivation system. Additionally, we are highly aware of each employee’s physical and mental wellness and protect their interests and safety in the workplace through transparent and smooth labor-management communication mechanism. ... More

Realization of Social Prosperity

As a responsible enterprise, we always insist on the concept of sustainable development and lay emphasis on balanced development in terms of economic, social and environmental consideration. We think that the enterprises have to consider more than their profitability, but also consider their social and environmental responsibilities, and at the meantime attend to social welfare and environmental sustainable development along with creating economic benefits. In our operational process, we keep monitoring market development trends and client's demands, as well as continuing our innovation and exploration of new business models and technologies to enhance quality and effectiveness of our products and services. We firmly believe that, in the era of globalization and digitalization, enterprises have no choice but to continue innovation and improvement to become advantageous in the midst of intense market competition and realize long-term prosperity and corporate development. ... More





46 位參與學員來自電機系、網工所、資工所等學生以及業界人士(環鴻科技股份有限公司),學員們對於課程設計的社群網路與物聯網應用、機器學習以及深度學習等議題非常有興趣,認真完成每一次lab 練習,46 位學員均獲得課程結業證書。



在多樣性的物聯網(IoT)領域,網路通訊是連網的重要關鍵,黃教授精心設計:Day1SCAMPER& Linux)、Day2 (PXA270)、Day3(ePBB)、Day4 (RPi)與Day5 (Game of Creativity),期許學員掌握物聯網時代最關鍵的嵌入式網通技術,進而激發創新與創意,為未來技術研究6666在多樣性的物聯網(IoT)領域,網路通訊是連網的重要關鍵,黃教授精心設計:Day1SCAMPER& Linux)、Day2 (PXA270)、Day3(ePBB)、Day4 (RPi)與Day5 (Game of Creativity),期許學員掌握物聯網時代最關鍵的嵌入式網通技術,進而激發創新與創意,為未來技術研究之路奠定一定基礎。




竹科與IC 設計東海大學企管系四年級學生,為深入的了解半導體產業及竹科環境,特派班級幹部參訪本公司。



本公司高階主管(利用公餘在清大科技管理學院授課半導體產業之余欣民副總經理深入淺出的導引,參訪的學生對IC 設計公司之特性有了概括的了解。




本公司積極參與社會,透過與NGO 志工團體合作,傳達企業對社會均衡發展的關懷。2020 年COVID-19 肆虐全球,很幸運台灣疫情控制得很好,尤其台東地區更是淨土一片,本公司與NGO 志工團體對偏鄉民族幼苗的關愛不致受到疫情影響而擱置。





在多樣性的物聯網(IoT)領域,網路通訊是連網的重要關鍵,黃教授精心設計:Day1SCAMPER& Linux)、Day2 (PXA270)、Day3 (ePBB)、Day4 (RPi)與Day5 (Game of Creativity),期許學員掌握物聯網時代最關鍵的嵌入式網通技術,進而激發創新與創意,為未來技術研究之路奠定一定基礎。 15位參與學員來自電信所、電控所、生醫所學生以及業界人士,黃副教務長親自為學員授課,深入淺出,讓學員們對於不同嵌入式系統有認知理解,啓發應用層面的創新。學員最後均參加設計應用產品競賽並獲得結業證書。




因應漸趨龐大且日益複雜的生產數據分析,必須透過大數據核心技術並結合智能製造來進一步提高產能與質量並降低成本,這也是新一代製造業能洞見未來趨勢浪潮並掌握制勝的關鍵。緣此,本課程將針對工業大數據、機器學習以及深度學習等議題做一系列深入淺出的課程教學,期許學員能更深入瞭解深度學習與工業大數據的運作與應用。45 位參與學員來自電機系、網工所、資工所等學生以及業界人士(環鴻科技股份有限公司),學員們對於課程設計的社群網路與物聯網應用、機器學習以及深度學習等議題非常有興趣,認真完成每一次lab 練習,43 位學員均獲得課程結業證書。



在多樣性的物聯網(IoT)領域,網路通訊是連網的重要關鍵,黃育綸教授精心設計:Day1 SCAMPER& Linux)、Day2 (PXA270)、Day3 (ePBB)、Day4 (RPi)與Day5 (Game of Creativity),期許學員掌握物聯網時代最關鍵的嵌入式網通技術,進而激發創新與創意,為未來技術研究之路奠定一定基礎。













本公司專注於物聯網系統晶片的開發,2012年起即與國立交通大學電機長期產學合作,贊助資金、技術、業師,鼓勵學生製作專題「做中學」,也在每年暑假舉辦Summer Camp讓學生找尋專題的方向。

2017年,我們進一步提供公司內部研究空間、設備、技術予專題生實作,也斥資製作適學習用的開發板,並於4月15、16日舉辦「2017交大電機/聯傑國際嵌入式智慧網通(e-INC)工作坊」,於7月17至21日續辦「聯傑/交大電機 嵌入式系統Summer Camp」。














13日,交大電機暑期工作坊起跑,由聯傑國際嵌入式系統擔綱首發。30名學員齊聚位於新竹科學園區內典範學長的公司,聆聽專家分析技術及產業趨勢,聯傑陳總經理親自導覽IC設計流程,並安排資深工程師解說迷津,未來的五天中,學員將在交大電機的教學實驗室裡實際接觸技術操作訓練,在「Learning by Doing」的過程中挑戰自我,同時為下學期的「專題」找方向。
